Monday 20 October 2008

What to write on my very first Blog?

As I sit watching "Have I Got News For You" I begin to think that my first Blog should astound my audience, maybe with some glittering satirical comedy about the credit crunch or Madonna’s divorce just like Ian Hislop does, but as the audience for this Blog will probably consist of my mum, who is more of a "Little Britain" fan, I will keep it short and sweet.

I have recently started an undergraduate degree at Leeds Metropolitan University studying Public Relations and Marketing. Starting a Blog was suggested to me and my fellow students by one of our lecturers Richard Bailey. I can’t believe I haven’t thought about it before, it’s free and I have no editor to answer to, brilliant.

So who am I?

I grew up in a small Suffolk town called Newmarket, otherwise known as the home of Horse Racing. I studied Media, Theatre and P.E at Newmarket College and after passing my A-levels traveled up the M1 to study Leisure and Sport Studies at Leeds Met. After two years of my degree I decided that the course was not taking me in the direction I wanted to go, so I jumped ship and set out on finding a course that could let me be creative and innovative.

After a year of working full time for the Halifax Bank of Scotland my piggy bank was full enough for me to return to university. The course I had chosen as you already know was P.R and Marketing. Why?, because I loved studying the media at A-level and I after researching exactly what being a P.R practitioner involved, I was excited to see if I could be creative, innovative and produce press releases that would get published.

What will my Blog include?

I want my Blog to be a reflection of my journey through university and somewhere where I can express my views about issues that interest me. I also want it to be a tool for meeting new contacts and thus raising my profile within the P.R industry, and of course I want it to be a place where I can become a master of social commentary like Ian Hislop.

I hope you enjoy.

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