Thursday 30 October 2008

"Sachsgate” Ross and Brand, why did they get it so “wong"?

I have to admit I am a big fan of risqué comedians like Russell Brand and Jonathan Ross, but this time they seemed to have pushed the boundaries of what is acceptable to far. The one question I keep asking myself is why did they actually have to ring Andrew Sachs, surely the joke would have been just as affective without actually having to leave a message on the 78 year olds mobile phone. I am an avid listener of Brand’s podcast and have heard him spout more offensive gags than “I slept with your grand daughter”, granted it is pretty offensive, but Brand often plays with subjects such as race and homosexuality, the difference being he rarely singles out and names one certain person and never before have I heard him peruse such a personal attack.

So why have two of the most popular television personalities, arguably two of the most talented in their field, slipped up so badly? Let’s face it their not dumb by any stretch of the imagination, they‘re two well educated and successful men. How could they not have realised that berating a young women and her granddad in such a way, was in very bad taste. My opinion is that comedians like Brand and Ross believe they have some sort of key to every city in the world, which allows them to do or say anything they want, because at the end of the day they are rich and famous, and everybody loves the rich and famous right?

Brand has now resigned from his job at the BBC and issued an apology to Sachs, Ross however is apparently in “crucial talks” with the BBC to hang on to his 18 million pound contract. Mark Thompson, Director General of the BBC, is allegedly considering removing all risqué comedy in an attempt to protect the BBC’s reputation, as the complaint tally reached 27,000. I really hope that this is not the case as the BBC has been the breeding ground of some of he most innovative and edgy comedy I have ever seen.

Let’s hope that this was just two mates getting caught up in the moment and not anything more sinister. I say keep Jonathan Woss after a stern telling off and a sincere apology to the Sachs family and get rid of Lesley Douglas, The Radio 2 controller who should never have aired the pomposity.

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